Rabu, 10 November 2010

Finding the Truth

Every moment, every condition, every problem, has its truth. We need to find out what make all of them becoming important in our life. Whether we like it or not, the content of truth introduce us to an important attitude toward.

When I had car crashing with motorcycle last Saturday. I was so scare and worry about the accident. I thought that all of the happening come so quickly. At that time I didn't realize the condition, the motor cycle and the others things. I just came to know, that as soon as I realize, all that accident happened. After that, I tried to understand, behind the scene, what will God taught me.

Pay attention to every condition is crucial attitude for me. If I just make it easy with what may I thought about, It won't be good value of truth. Behind the scene, at last, I found out, God want me to be holy. God's words so clear, He want every Christian being a Christ-Liked model in their life.

So, I come to know, I come to learn again, being holy in whole of my life, especially in my MIND. It's very wonderful, it's very expensive experience for me. Thanks God. Thanks Jesus Christ.

In the moment of devotion - Se - return soon.....

Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

I am Back

Tidak terasa waktu lewat begitu cepat. Satu tahun telah berlalu, ganti di tahun yang baru.
Sudah lama juga tidak mengisi blog, tempat curhat ini. Ya ketidak-konsisten-an memang merupakan tantangan yang tidak mudah bagi saya.
Tapi, paling tidak, kali ini bisa bangkit untuk menulis lagi.i

Saat seseorang berjalan ke tempat yang jauh, dengan tujuan yang jelas dia akan ke mana, tentu dia juga akan pulang kembali. Entah dia rindu pulang, atau karena aturan, dia harus pulang, akhirnya memang dia pulang. Seorang penulis juga begitu, kalau sudah terlalu lama pergi, pergi dari kebiasaan nulisnya, dia akan kembali juga, bukan karena dituntut tetapi karena "itulah panggilan", dia akan terus rindu.

I am back to WRITE again.
I am back to SEE my world with the eyes of writing material
I am back to REVIEW what I've seen in daily
I am back to LEARN more how to wrie

.............Nice to write......